
坐落在落基山脉脚下的卡尔加里是加拿大阿尔伯塔省新西部的核心,是Bow River 和Elbow River交汇处。因为我们的独特地理位置,Chinook风吹来,我们就会有很多暖洋洋的冬日。事实上,我们的光照平均天数远远高于国内其它城市。下面是很多人喜欢卡尔加里的原因,我希望你也能找出自己的原因。

  1. 卡尔加里经济是全国表现最好的城市,形形色色的行业包括能源、金融、制造、运输、高科技、影视等等。

  2. 卡尔加里没有省税、个人收入税构架也相对有优势

  3. 卡尔加里被 Globe and Mail评为加拿大最佳工作城市,被 Today’s Parent 杂志评为加拿大最适合家庭居住五大城市之一,近期又被排名全球最适合居住城市之第五名。

  4. 更毋庸提及一个半小时之内就能抵达的落基山脉、Banff国家公园。

  5. 卡尔加里是全球惟有的三个没有老鼠的地区。(应该是数量相当低的三个区域之一吧。我就在老房子逮过老鼠。)

  6. 卡尔加里人可以全年365天,一天24小时走进医院,享受免费诊断。(我 怎么就听说很多检查都排了很久很久呢;实在等不急的,干脆就死了算了。看来凡事都是相对的,人家强调的是“不花钱,就能看病。”)

  7. 卡尔加里拥有大大小小500多公园、野生动物观测点、自行车骑车道和爬山小路。

  8. 卡尔加里拥有加拿大41%的20-44岁年轻人口,平均年龄仅36岁!

  9. 卡尔加里是北美城市土地面积最大的城市之一

  10. 加拿大最高的人均收入城市,是全国人均百万富豪最多的城市!

  11. 是加拿大总部公司最多的第二大城市,是人均总部公司最多的第一大城市!

  12. Largest plus 15 network in North America

想知道什么是 plus 15 network,请看下面链接

  1. 亚省拥有全国最多的高尔夫球场

  2. 卡尔加里拥有600多处湖,是水上爱好者的乐园

  3. 拥有北美最长的行人步道系统

  4. 加拿大拥有的石油资源位居世界第三名,而这些资源97%来源于亚省。

  5. 卡尔加里人拥有住房数量比例全国最高

  6. 加拿大人生活质量仅次于丹麦,尽管我们拥有更多的土地及数不尽的资源。(这和卡尔加里也沾边?毕竟,我们是全国五大城市之一。)

  1. 加拿大高等教育注册比例全球最高

  2. 加拿大拥有世界上9%的再生水资源(这应该往前排名次)

  3. 世界上伟大的盛事之一---牛仔节Calgary Stampede!(这也算啊?你别说,这几天收音机上讲过了,GOOGLE搜索卡尔加里市排名第一的是STAMPEDE。牛啊!)

  4. 卡尔加里志愿者数量全国最高。(有钱了,多做善事也轻松啊。)

  5. 卡尔加里是世界上生活健康、居住安全的几大城市之一。(也是,这两天全市才产生了今年第十起谋杀案,那还是打架斗殴住院一年后,一病不复还的。)

  6. 我们的城市盛产农业产品,牛肉、麦子、大麦等等。世界闻名。

  7. YYC,卡尔加里机场正在兴建加拿大最长的飞机跑道、最高的主控塔。是加纳大几大繁忙机场城市之一!





市中心地块的受欢迎程度甚至达到挂牌不到24小时就被抢购,甚至在上市前就已售出的程度。买家和建筑商有时甚至挨家挨户询问是否有人愿意出售。这种情况在Hillhurst 和 Altadore 等备受追捧的社区尤为明显。由于需求旺盛,卡尔加里部分地区的地块价格在过去12至18个月内上涨了30%!

Altadore 是西人非常喜欢的靠近市中心的高档次社区,离市中心仅几分钟车程,很多房屋将市中心美景尽收眼底,周边环境宜人,这些也许就是它吸引买家的地方。

Altadore 在售房源信息链接

Currie Barracks 是Crowchild Trail西边在原军队营地上分三期建设开发的高档社区。排屋的起价都70多万,独立屋几乎是百万起价。

Currie Barracks 在售房源信息链接

Garrison Green 社区位于 Currie Barracks 的南面,也是在军营旧址建造起来的次新区。就像它的名字一样,区内有很多绿化,小区社区别具一格。

Garrison Green 在售房源信息链接

Glendale 距离市中心不到3公里,这就是为什么很多INFILL都在这里兴建。

Glendale 在售房源信息链接

Killarney 有您居家想要的一切,轻松逃离市中心,前往山里;或者几分钟内就能开车驶往城市东面。
Killarney 在售房源信息链接

Richmond Park and Knob Hill 地段非常便利,几乎轻松前往卡尔加里想去 的任何便利服务场所。
Richmond 在售房源信息链接

Rosscarrock 也是具市中心不到3公里,备受很多尽可能靠近市中心上班族的青睐。

Rosscarrock 在售房源信息链接


Shaganappi 半边是GOLF球场绿地、半边是居民区,中间被BOW TRAIL隔开,到市中心不到5分钟,目前又有LRT2012通车的新概念。

Shaganappi 在售房源信息链接

South Calgary 这一社区很特别:不少房屋有市中心的景色,骑车到市中心也才几分钟的事。INFILL项目如火如荼。
South Calgary 在售房源信息链接

Spruce Cliff 就位于BOW RIVER的南面,因其将DOWNTOWN景色就收眼底而知名。市场炙手可热!

Spruce Cliff 在售房源信息链接



Calgary's Best Communities New Ranking - 2012

The latest statistics from AVENUE magazine for 2012 have been released. What interests us the most is how the 'best' communities were selected. The ranking is primarily based on survey responses where participants were asked which factors matter most when choosing a neighborhood to move into or settle in long-term.

The survey results show that low crime rates, reasonable commuting times, and pedestrian-friendliness are among the top concerns for respondents.

If large lots and spacious yards are not an option, people tend to prioritize proximity to children's playgrounds and adult fitness centers. When living close to friends and relatives is not a necessity, people value having restaurants and cafés nearby for social gatherings with family and friends.

Additionally, respondents are highly concerned about property value appreciation, so they closely follow community price growth rankings.


2、Arbour  Lake




6、Lake Bonavista



9、Crescent Heights



12、Aspen Woods

13、Elbow Park

14、Mckenzie Towne


16、Springbank Hill




20、 Sunnyside

21、 Inglewood

22、 Scenic Acres

23、 Cliff Bungalow

24、 Andrews Heights

25、  Ramsay


New Emerging Communities in Calgary SW: Aspen Woods & Springbank Hill


Framing the southwest edge of the city, residents love the mountain views, ravine trails, close proximity toWestside Recreation Centre, quick downtown commute — soon to be made even quicker by the arrival of theWest LRTline — and excellent shops and services atAspen Landing.

Saturday in the ’Hood

Whether it’s a latte at Good Earth, brunch on the patio atRedwater Rustic Grilleor shopping atSomething2Wear, pedestrian-friendlyAspen Landing Shopping Centreis the place to be.
NearbyAspen Stone Commonsalso offersA Ladybug Bakery and Caféfor pastries,Blush Lanefor produce andMetrovinofor wine.


Population 4,469
Median household income $151,692
Median home assessment $743,000
Median condo assessment $354,000
Home ownership 87.95%


With a variety of dwellings from multi-family and single-detached homes to acreages, Springbank Hill marries the countryside to the surburbs. Locals enjoy an active community association and easy access to major roads and shopping.

Saturday in the 'Hood

Located southwest of Springbank Hill along the Elbow Riber, Griffith Woods Park offers eight kilometres of hiking trails, excellent birdwatching and a rare cluster of white spruce.


Population 8,388
Median household income $116,470
Median home assessment $632,000
Median condo assessment $281,000
Home ownership 85.60%













  1. 价格较低:与独立屋相比,公寓的价格通常更低,是首次购房者或预算有限的买家的理想选择。

  2. 维护成本低:公寓的物业管理公司负责建筑外部维护、公共设施保养和园艺等,减少了业主的负担。

  3. 便利的地理位置:许多公寓位于市中心或主要商业区,靠近公共交通、购物中心、餐馆和工作地点,生活更加便利。

  4. 设施齐全:许多公寓配备健身房、游泳池、会所、停车场等设施,提高生活质量。

  5. 安全性较高:公寓通常设有门禁、监控系统和保安人员,相较于独立屋更具安全保障。

  6. 投资回报潜力:如果公寓位于优越地段,随着市场增长,未来有升值潜力,并且可以作为出租物业获得稳定的租金收入。


  1. 物业费较高:公寓业主需要支付每月的物业管理费,这可能随着时间推移而上涨,并增加购房成本。

  2. 空间有限:相比独立屋,公寓的居住空间较小,储物空间不足,适合单身人士或小家庭,不适合大家庭居住。

  3. 转售难度:公寓市场可能供过于求,转售时竞争激烈,影响房产升值速度,特别是在市场疲软时价格波动较大。

  4. 限制较多:许多公寓有严格的管理规定,例如禁止养宠物、限制租赁或装修等,影响业主的自由度。

  5. 土地权益有限:购买公寓意味着仅拥有单元内部空间,而土地属于整栋建筑的共有财产,不像独立屋那样拥有土地所有权。

  6. 市场波动风险:公寓市场受供需关系影响较大,价格可能不如独立屋稳定,在经济低迷或房地产市场下滑时可能更容易贬值。




Calgary's Surrounding Towns Real Estate Summary - 2012

The Calgary Real Estate Board's market statistics indicate that transactions in surrounding towns have been exceptionally active since 2012. Just how active? You wouldn’t know until you see the numbers—they're quite surprising! However, compared to the transaction volume within the city limits, these numbers are still relatively modest.

Below is a detailed comparison of transaction data, showing which areas have higher sales volumes. One area worth highlighting is Canmore, where, in most cases, condominium sales outnumber those of detached homes.


Evergreen Estates Real Estate Report - Jul. ~Sept.

During the third quarter of the year, Evergreen Estates experienced a dynamic real estate market with a total of 27 properties sold. The majority of these transactions, 22 in total, were single-family homes, while the remaining 5 were condominiums located in Beacon Hill Shawnee Slopes.

Single-Family Homes

  • Bungalow Sales:

    • The lowest sold price for a bungalow was $430,000.

    • The highest sold price for a bungalow was $880,000, featuring a walkout basement and a 1,997 sq. ft. floor plan. This property’s value was significantly influenced by its proximity to Fish Creek Park.

  • Two-Story Home Sales:

    • The lowest sold price for a two-story house was $458,000.

    • The highest sold price reached $945,000, for a 2,990 sq. ft. home with a walkout basement. Despite having no park view, the property’s value was largely driven by its size and extensive renovations.

Condominium Sales

Five condominium units were sold in the Beacon Hill Shawnee Slopes area. The average sale prices for these units were:

  • One-bedroom apartments: $241,500

  • Two-bedroom apartments: $299,000

Market Insights

Evergreen Estates continues to be a desirable community, with strong demand for single-family homes and condominiums alike. Properties with larger square footage, renovations, and desirable locations such as proximity to parks tend to command higher sale prices. The condominium market in Beacon Hill Shawnee Slopes also remains stable, with consistent pricing trends for one- and two-bedroom units.

For further insights or assistance in buying or selling in Evergreen Estates, please contact us.


River Park - one of the largest off-leash dog parks

Altadore holds Sandy Beach, River Park and Glenmore Athletic Park in its boundaries, and it’s an easy walk to the vibrant shopping district of Marda Loop.

Saturday in the ’Hood

River Park is one of the largest off-leash dog parks in the city. A weekend stroll through the green space reveals joyful dogs and their friendly owners.


Population 8,907
Median household income $65,391
Median home assessment $622,000
Median condo assessment $325,000
Home ownership 68.55%


Aspen Woods Real Estate Report – August

13 properties were sold in Aug., 5 of them are Single Family Houses.

The lowest sold price was $583,850, the house backs up to busy road, 85 Street. The highest sold price was $1082,000, the house is a new construction and was a show home.

8 condominiums were sold in August. There is one-bedroom apartment at Gallant Ridge was sold at $230,000 on 20th day on the market. The rest 7 condominiums are townhouses. The highest sold price was $408,000, and the lowest sold price was $333,500.


成交案例:银行回收房 两层独立屋,前置双车库,35万


客 户是半年前和我联系过的,第一次带看市中心的4套公寓,买家丈夫就想购买其中的一套,因为他们第一次看房子,对市场还不熟悉,我不希望对方仓促作决定、日 后后悔,就建议客户多看些房源对比后决定。同时我也不希望买家投资要交管理费的公寓房,第二次带他们看了RAMSAY附近的一些老房子,但是对方嫌弃房子 太老。其实那一带旧地翻建的投资客也不少。


买 家先和我小叙旧事,之后直接了当告诉我想让我为他们出份OFFER。我边聊边察看那一地区的在售、已售对比房源情况,发现最新成交的、也是最低成交价格都 要在36.8万/面积还1450平方尺,而买家准备购买的银行拍卖房降价之后是35.9万/面积1630,本来就已经是好价格了。客户决定以3?万起出 OFFER,因为我知道对方的弱点在哪里,所以谈判过程相当简单(其实是我记不起来了),对方无奈以35万最终成交。我没有使用一贯及俩和对方通话,来了 解更多细节,完全是心理战术、文字游戏。

买家对我说,没有和我联系的这段时间他们和朋友介绍的经纪人合作过,经历过的一个 未谈成的OFFER和我这次操作的案例一样,前次没有买下来,但是这次我帮助他们最终买下来了,她很满意!(我开心自己10多年来的销售经历历练升华了我 的谈判技巧,但是同时也无奈于自己简单的生活方式、并不善于交际而导致的困窘局面,全靠陌生朋友的莫大信任、以及成交客户的推荐。庆幸自己现有的成绩,激励自己日后的进取。)



卡尔加里公寓系列–维多利亚公园Union Square 2012 年第二季度销售统计

Union Square是卡尔加里维多利亚公园社区一街上三大高层公寓之一,竣工于2009年,建筑商是Apex。由于它的铝合金镶边玻璃外墙,还有它是三大高层公寓最高那幢,所以你一眼就能识别出它来。


  • 27 Stories High

  • 163 Condo / Townhome Units

  • Commercial and retail spaces on the bottom floors

  • Interiors have high-end finishings

  • Full stainless steel appliance sets

  • Granite countertops

  • Full glass floor to ceiling walls

  • Beautiful views of Calgary and the surrounding areas

2012 第二季度销售统计如下:

  • 售出仅一间

  • 成交均价– $341,000

  • 每平方尺成交均价– $513.55

  • 挂牌均价– $349,900

  • 每平方尺挂牌均价– $526.96

  • 售价/挂牌价比率为 – 97%

  • 在市场上挂牌平均天数为– 51 天

Union Square附近便利设施等等细节:

  • Talisman Recreational Centre

  • Stampede Grounds

  • Big Four Building

  • Scotiabank Saddledome

  • Round Up Centre

  • Sunterra Market

  • Guiseppe’s Italian Market

  • Cilantro

  • Una Pizza and Wine

  • Red’s Diner

  • Macs

  • Thai Tai

  • Downtown LRT Station

  • 还有更多更多!


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The trademarks MLS®, Multiple Listing Service® and the associated logos are owned by The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) and identify the quality of services provided by real estate professionals who are members of CREA. Used under license.